programing samples of
app, web, data base, game, academic
game 2D 3D VJ publishing experimental home page
project tag: programing


Particle system programming for real-time interactive application.
This program, detect the mouse coordination and change movement,rotation and delay of 12000 2D images on a resizable screen in realtime. Originaly designed and developed for touch pad target machines for gaming purpose.

C# and Microsoft XNA framework

input keys:
Scale - arrow Up/Down
Populate Items - arrow Left/Right
Rotation Speed - Z/X
Delay on movements - Q/W
Mouse visibility - M (switch on/off)
Quit : Escape

project tag: game programing

Unreal Engine

Unreal Authorized Instructor
partner for Epic Games - September 2020

Event Handling
event and event dispatchers in blueprint

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

Line Trace
Detect objects by LineTrace in BP and C++

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

Data Communication
Using Enhanced Input System, Delegate, Interface, Material Parameter Collection and Data Tables in BP and C++

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

Multiplayer basics in blueprint
This project demonstrates basics of multiplayer programming in Unreal Engine. Replication of objects, broadcast a random value in network and spawn actors in a multiplayer session by using blueprint, are topics in this sample project designed for academic purposes.

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

Drag & Drop - single/multi
drag and drop functionality as single player and multiplayer

Zip Single Player GitHub + info
Zip Multiplayer GitHub + info page

Spawn Geos
Spawn items on the scene by using C++.

Zip - ue4 GitHub + info

Blueprint vs C++
demonstrate similar scenarios with 6 maps in BP and C++

Zip - ue5.0.3 GitHub + info
Zip - ue5.3.2 GitHub + info

C++ actor components
simulate customizable Torpedo movement, toward stationary/mobile targets.

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

GameMode Communication
blueprint communication + simple pattern of making puzzle

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

Camera Control
blueprint control on camera + postprocess effect

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

simple game prototype + switch levels + save total score

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info page

Shaders - BP
basic shaders + shader communication

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

C++ Event Handling
using events and delegates in C++

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

C++ SubSystems
simple prototype of using subsystem

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

C++ and BP Interface - basic
using interface in Blueprint and C++

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info page

C++ and BP Interface - Advance
using C++ interface with C++ objects

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info page

AI and Blueprint - Basic and Advanced
using AI behaviour tree, AI controller, Blackboard, decorator, task and service with blueprint to develop academic sample projects.

Zip - AI_Basic GitHub + info
Zip - AI_Advanced GitHub + info

AI and Blueprint - Prototype - Basic and Optimized
using AI behaviour tree, AI controller, Blackboard, decorator, task and service with blueprint to develop a crowd simulation sample project for academic purposes.
there are two versions of same project, "basic version" with simple implementations of blueprint code, and "optimized version" which presents advanced topics with AI blueprint programming.

Zip - Basic GitHub + info
Zip - Optimized GitHub + info page

AI and Blueprint - Multiplayer
a multiplayer approach by using AI behaviour tree, AI controller, Blackboard, decorator, task and service with blueprint to develop academic sample projects.
Replicate animation and AI behaviours in network for single and crowd characters.
Using 3 different behaviours.

Zip - Basic GitHub + info page

Data Management
using datatables in BP and C++

Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

Thread BP and CPP
A prototype of using C++ thread system by using actor components.

Zip - ue4 GitHub + info
Zip - ue5 GitHub + info

project tag: programing 3D experimental

Web 3D application

This application forms number of 2D shapes (like circle, star), out of 10 3d cube in space.
During play time, elements have self-rotations, and after a while, all elements move to different coordinations to form a different shape. The program, repeat the cycle for all 5 different 2d shapes.

HTML5 - JavaScript - three.js

project tag: programing

Web - Google Map

Google Maps is a public web service developed by Google using for navigation tasks. Google Maps API allows developers to integrate Google Maps into their websites.
This sample project presents a feature in Google map known as Directions, which is useful to track multiple addresses. I used Google Map API with JavaScript code in this project.

HTML5 - JavaScript - GoogleMap API

project tag: programing game


Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle video game. The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field. The game originates from the 1960s, and has been written for many computing platforms in use today. It has many variations and offshoots.
This application simulate this game by using JavaScript with simple algorithms alongside with PHP language which dynamically decorates the HTML5 page, during game play time.

JavaScript and PHP

project tag: programing game


Roadblock is an HTML5/JavaScript based game. The game is designed for elderly people in a simple concept of Arcade games which the player can play by iPad or mobile phones. The game engine doesn't use any library, it is cross browser and also is compatible with touch screen devices.

HTML5 - JavaScript

project tag: programing game


Fridge is an HTML5/JavaScript based game. The game is designed for age 80+ as simple Puzzle game which the player can play by iPad or mobile phones. The game engine doesn't use any library, it is cross browser and also is compatible with touch screen devices. This is just a demo version of main game.

HTML5 - JavaScript

project tag: programing

Web - Yahoo Flickr

Flickr is an image hosting and video hosting website, and web services suite that was created by Ludicorp in 2004 and acquired by Yahoo in 2005. In addition to being a popular website for users to share and embed personal photographs, and effectively an online community, the service is widely used by photo researchers and by bloggers to host images that they embed in blogs and social media.
This application use Flickr API for searching image based on the name inside Flickr image data base bu using HTML and PHP.
HTML5 - JavaScript - Flickr API

project tag: programing

Web - UI / UX

Web UI and UX design using Flash technologies. I develop my old homepage which was covering around 400 sample image files, for presentation to the user. I used ActionScript and Flash to developed the page.
For loading images from web, I designed and developed a complex loader class which feeds by XML data for addressing file names between user interface sections. This loader could dynamically detect network delay on loading file and restart process again. Also, the UI was kind of 3D looking which was programming with high levels of math and was sensitive to user mouse/touch interactions at same time. UI also was buffering visited samples by randomly changing color and form.

I developed UI/UX design for casino-based target machines using same technologies at that time.

ActionScript - Flash

project tag: programing game

Game Engine Programming

Interactive application/game engine programming using ActionScript 3.0 and Adobe Flash. The game type, is kind of time-based Arcade game with simple interaction on mouse/keyboard. I develope 2 games use same game engine but with different UI and game rules.

ActionScript - Flash

project tag: programing publishing game


Game Development with Unreal Engine 5 - ISBN: 978-9-35551-344-1 (aut)
Unreal Engine Game Development Cookbook - ISBN: 978-1-78439-816-3 (rev)
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Unreal Engine - ISBN: 978-1-78883-565-7 (rev)